Look at What We are Reading

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Gingerbread Man!

On Monday, Room 36 and Room 2 followed a cooking recipe to make our very own gingerbread man!  We mixed the ingredients, added raisin eyes, a raisin nose, and raisin mouth.  We even added M & M buttons!  We put him in the oven and set the timer for 8-10 minutes.
 AM Session
PM Session

Here he is baking in the oven!

While we waited, we read the story of the Gingerbread Man.  We learned that if you don't bake him long enough, he may run away!  Uh-oh...did we cook him long enough?  We went to look in our oven, and low and behold...he was gone!!!!  All we saw was a trail of crumbs!

We decided to go about our business as kindergarteners, but on Tuesday we got a letter from the Gingerbread Boy!  He is a good writer!  He told us to look in the office.  Of course, he also said, "Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!"  We asked Mrs. Jarvis and Mrs. Coleman, our school secretaries, if they had seen him.  They said they might have seen him run in to get a band-aid and then zoom out.

On Wednesday, we received ANOTHER note!  This time, the Gingerbread Man told us to look in the school cafeteria.  

No luck!
Not even a scent of him in the Lost and Found, either!

We read the note a bit more carefully, and realized that the Gingerbread Man said that if he wasn't in the cafeteria or lost and found, he may be in the Guided Learning Center (GLC).  So, we headed over and asked our school librarian, Mrs. Yokoshima, if she had seen him.  She was just as puzzled as us.  No luck!

On Thursday, we received another note telling us that he went to the Life Lab to be with nature and plan the extension of the new garden.  We looked...and we saw another note!  It read: "Good-bye Boys and Girls!  I have found another gingerbread man and we are going to Gingerbread Land!"  He left us some gingerbread cookies and wished us a great year in kindergarten.  While we were sad that we lost him, we would have felt bad eating him!

I wonder what he kind of mischief he is up to now?  What do you think?  Feel free to post as a family what you think he is doing in Gingerbread Land!