Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Math Update

Along with exploring shapes, students explored sorting and patterning in December.   The objectives were...

-To sort objects by size, shape, and color.
-To determine their own way to sort objects and explain how they sorted them.
-To identify a pattern and extend a pattern.
-To create their own pattern.
-To translate a pattern (ex: red, red, blue, red, red, blue------> A, A, B, A, A, B).

You can continue their learning at home by encouraging them to sort socks, coins, or toys and making patterns out of them.

We also continue to explore numbers 0-10 with various hands-on Marcy Cook games in which they have to order numbers, play logic games, and find numbers on a 1-30 chart.  Please continue to practice these numbers at home. Students can count items around home to continue to strengthen this skill.

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