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Thursday, March 1, 2012

100th Day of School!

February 2nd was the 100th Day of School!   It is school tradition to not only use this day to celebrate all that we have accomplished in 100 days, but also to explore numbers and further develop number sense.  Thank you to all the parents who helped lead hands-on activities for them to do on this day.

On the 100th Day, students...
-made necklaces out of 100 pieces of pasta.
-made 100th Day hats, in which they had to add 10 things to 10 strips of paper.
-ordered our 100 chart that the 100th Day Gremlins messed up!
-made a class mural of different things made of 20 handprints, or 100 fingers.

The flower has100 petals (100 fingerprints).
The caterpillar has 100 legs (100 fingerprints).
The grass has 100 blades (100 fingerprints).

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