Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Last week, you may have heard from your child say, "I got to hold a worm today!"  Yes, it is true, we did a worm investigation last week to kick off our CA FOSS Animals 2 x 2 Unit.  Students learned how to observe various objects by using our senses.  We practiced by creating a small book in which students had to closely examine and record STILL everyday objects such as crayons.  

We then moved on to things that WIGGLED!  Students learned to treat all living things with respect and care as they picked up the worms to get a closer look.  Students were encouraged to be good scientists and create "I wonder..." statements and seek the answers through observation.  Finally, they were asked to record their observations in their science notebooks.

Once all the notebooks were complete with first day entries, hands were washed, and unanswered "I wonder" statements were recorded, we asked, "What should we do with all these worms?"  We decided to put them to work for us!  We shredded old newspaper and placed them in a worm bin so they could eat our garbage and turn it into compost!

If you are interested in our science curriculum, you can learn more at CA FOSS SCIENCE

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