Look at What We are Reading

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


The Lorax

Horton Hears a Who

We created miniature gardens to supplement our Dr. Seuss Literature Unit. We used the garden to illustrate the lands of The Lorax and Horton Hears a Who. The AM focused on Horton Hears a Who, while the PM class focused on The Lorax. After reading the stories, each class discussed the characters and setting, so they knew what to include in the gardens. Once each student had a chance to plan out their garden on their own, we integrated the ideas from all the plans to create one design for our miniature garden. Then, it was time to get to work! Students were assigned different tasks. While some students enjoyed getting their hands dirty with planting, others preferred to contribute by making clay figurines, backdrops, and structures. The kindergarteners were very excited to see the book come to life in their design. We hope you enjoy!

Below are some pictures of the chart we used to brainstorm what to include in our garden:

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