Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fill Someone's Bucket

Last month we read the book titled, Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  The idea is that everyone carries around an invisible bucket that holds good thoughts about themselves.  When we show others that we care, we fill their bucket.  When we do so, we feel also feel good, and therefore fill our own bucket.  Showing people you care can be as simple as saying hello.  It can be making a card or saying "I like the way you play basketball."  The possibilities are endless.  We also talked about how people sometimes dip into someone's bucket by calling them names or ignoring them.  We decided as a class we want to be "bucket fillers" and not "bucket dippers."  Students are encouraged to "fill someone's bucket" throughout the day by writing a message to a someone on a raindrop in our classroom bucket.

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