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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ms. Patel's Second Solo Week

Ms. Patel successfully completed her second solo week in November.  During her second solo week, Ms. Patel...

-Reviewed previously taught consonants with students through various games and practice lessons.

-Developed student's self-esteem with an "I Like Me" unit.  

-Taught students to identify and tell about the following shapes: rectangle, square, triangle, and circle.  Students compared and contrasted shapes and told the characteristics needed for a shape to be classified as a rectangle, square, triangle, or circle.  They concluded the week by making "Shape Monsters."

During this time, Ms. Patel was also busy finishing up her classes at SJSU.  She has now earned her credential and we wish her the best in her future as a teacher.  She hopes to visit the classroom a few times before the school year is over.

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