Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

ABC Book

When I was a kindergartener at Cumberland Elementary School in Sunnyvale, I made an ABC Book at the end of the year.  I was so proud of it!  For me, writing the book meant I was all ready for first grade!  I dedicated it to my dog, Auggie, because he did not know his alphabet, but I did!

 My cover
My "e" page

I have always thought this book was important and have saved it.  The book gave me an idea...have our kindergarteners complete a similar book!  A book to show so much of what they have learned...a book they could be proud of.  Thanks, Mrs. Brown, for the great idea!

Kindergarten is a bit different nowadays, and we are asking them to do much more than I did as a kindergartener.  I am always amazed at how fast they learn and how much they are able to do.  You may notice that they are writing their own sentences, while I dictated my sentences to my teacher.

The students are completing about 2 pages a week, and will continue to work on it until the end of the year.

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