Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Diary of a Tadpole

Dear Diary,
I must be about 14 days old today.  Wow, I need to tell you about my weekend!  On Sunday, I was swimming around the pond in a principal's backyard when someone with big boots came near me!  Next thing I knew, I was swimming in a bowl with three of my friends in a kindergarten classroom!  And guess what?  There are no fish here to worry about gobbling me up!  Mrs. Riccomini, the teacher in the classroom, said we are just visiting, and once we are big we will go back to our home.  By then, I think I will be able to hop away from fish!  I also heard her say that it was a former 3rd grade Eisenhower teacher, Ms. Cuenca, who saved us from the fish.  Thanks, Ms. Cuenca!

I love to swim around and find algae to eat.  I feel like I need to eat a lot since I am growing so quickly!  I bet I will look different the next time I write to you, Diary.

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