Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Diary of a Silkworm: Part 1

Dear Diary,
Today was a very interesting day!  My friend, Audrey, put me in a box at her house, and when the box opened again, I was in Mrs. Riccomini's kindergarten class!  The kindergarteners have been very nice to me.  They are very gentle and compassionate toward me.

I am so glad that there are three mulberry trees in the Eisenhower kindergarten yard!  I LOVE to eat mulberry leaves.  In fact, my only job right now is to eat as many mulberry leaves as possible!  I am a very hungry caterpillar!

1 comment:

  1. Aashima keeps talking about the silk worms a lt. Am glad she got a chance to study their lives.
