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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Diary of a Froglet: Part 3

Dear Diary,
I now have front legs, too!  Now, I have a tail AND four legs to help me swim.  Since I have four legs now, I can start walking on land.  I guess that is why Mrs. Riccomini built me a new habitat with a shelf.  Check it out!  It is so much bigger!  You may also notice that I have a stripe down my body.  I am looking more and more like an adult!

I still eat algae, but I am starting to get tired of eating just algae all the time.
Look at me climb!  I have special pads on my toes that help me stick to the walls!  That must mean I am a frog!  Frogs have sticky pads on their feet.  I also think I am a frog, because I have smooth skin, not bumpy skin like a toad.

1 comment:

  1. While growing up we never got to study frogs so closely. We were always bit scared of them. A m glad Aashima is getting a chance to explore creatures of nature so closely :)
