Look at What We are Reading

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hidden Villa Trip

Thank you to all the chaperones who came with us to Hidden Villa!  It was a very memorable and exciting trip.  Our kindergarteners did great as they toughed out the drizzles, mud, and clouds.  Below are some pictures taken from the trip.  Thanks, Richelle for sharing the pictures you took!  Seeing the animals we have been studying in a real farm setting has deepened their understanding.

Students got to see a worm compost bin.  Some were even brave enough to hold a worm!

As students fed the chickens, they discovered that chickens like to peck to get their food.

Students saw how chickens lay eggs and how chicks are raised in farms.

Students saw that pigs come in many different colors!  Not just pink!

Cows are not just white and black.  They can be brown, too!

Some sheep have all their wool, some sheep have been sheared.

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